The word "Deen" is a significant term used in the Qur'an and could mean... way of life, framework for governance, recompense, reward, requital, judgment, dominion, obedience, religion or natural order. The word has been used in the Holy Qur'an in all these senses (Qur'an 4:125, 5:3, 12:76, 24:2, 3:85, 37:53, 3:83). The fact that over fifty percent of Islamic Law pertains to mu'amalah social relations, emphasizes social relations as an essential component of the Deen (Islamic Way of Life) and clearly indicates the significance of social relations to human existence.
Rituals and Values
When we look at the 'religious' dimension of Deen, we find that it consists of beliefs, dogmas, traditions, practices and rituals. A believer born in a religious tradition inherits all this and believes that every thing he or she has inherited is an essential and integral part of religion. For him/her rituals are as important and integral as the values. However, while rituals are performed regularly, values are often either violated, neglected or practiced merely symbolically. Rituals, however, are observed far more meticulously than adherence to the essential values which are in fact more fundamental to the Faith.
Key Qur'anic Values
Though many misconceptions about Islam prevail, both among Muslims and non-Muslims: these arise from dogmatism on the one hand, and from lack of information on the other. Getting familiar with the key values of the Deen as expounded in the Qur'an could clear much of the confusion.
Among the key terms used in the Qur'an that constitute major themes in Islamic ethos are ...rahmah compassion, 'adl justice, ihsan benevolence, 'aql reason and hikmah wisdom. These values are characteristics of the Divine and we have been commanded (takhallaqu bi akhlaqillah) to inculcate in ourselves these divine values; values which are all inextricably linked to each other.
Rahmah The words Rahman and Rahim are derived from the root rhm, which signifies tenderness, care, consideration, affection- requiring the exercise of beneficence, goodness, love, compassion, benevolence and mercy. Allah says in the Qur'an, "My rahmah encompasses everything." (Q 7:155). To indicate the intensity and comprehensiveness of the Mercy of Allah, two intensive forms of the word rahmah are used side by side and in opening verse of the Qur'an (Surah al- Fatihah) it is repeated in the third verse as an independent ayah (Ar- Rahman-ir-Rahim). As a matter of fact, no other attribute of Allah as so often been stressed in the Holy Book (over 300 times) than the Divine attribute of Rahmah. At the very threshold of one's study of the Sacred Scripture, one is ushered into the awareness of the Creator and made conscious of His Holy Presence and reminded of His boundless grace and limitless Mercy.
The Qur'an emphasizes the fact that the Revealer (Allah), the Messenger (Muhammad) and the Message (Qur'an) are embodiments of mercy. (Q1:1 & 6:12, 21:107, 17:82) and Believers are those who manifest mercy as the Prophet instructed that if you do not show mercy then no mercy wil be shown to you ; while Sayyidna 'Ali challenged us... How do you expect the complete mercy of the Most Merciful , when the Most Merciful is most merciful to those who are merciful to others?
'Adl Justice is paramount in Islam; 'Adl - Qist - Justice is...
A major mission of all Prophets (peace be upon them) was the "establishment of justice among people" (Q 57:25)
"Allah commands justice and goodness in everything" (Q 16:90)
Justice is an individual and collective responsibility. Allah inspired the Prophet with the saying ... "O my worshippers! I have made injustice unlawful for Myself, and have forbidden injustice among you; so do not be unjust."
We are divinely commanded "to stand up for justice as witnesses to Allah" under all circumstances and without any discrimination to any one whatsoever. (Q 4:135, Q 5:8)
Manifesting justice is equated to piety. "Be just, that is closest to piety" (Q 5:8)
Endearing to Allah. Allah loves those who are just (Q 60:8), and Allah sides not with the unjust (Q 3:57).
Ihsan Benevolence and justice are the most comprehensive commands of Islam after Faith. In the Qur'anic terminology, 'adl and ihsan go together (Q 16:90), for justice must be tempered with benevolence. Rigorous justice sometimes may have an adverse impact and hence requires the gentle influence of benevolence. Benevolence ihsan has its independent significance but is also complementary to compassion rahmah. Ihsan reinforces rahmah while also infusing human relationships with meaning. Since Allah is Muhsin/Benevolent, his servants must also be benevolent in their attitude and behavior and in all social relations.
Part of the fruits of faith is the commitment of the faithful to do good while avoiding the wrong and the harmful (Q 3:110).The very presence of the Believer should be a source of benefit, a resource for goodness whose every action reflects ihsan goodness (Q 16:90); and Allah surely loves the muhsinin those who manifest goodness (Q 2:195).
'Aql Divine revelation addresses the intellect (Q 2:242), the seat of understanding (Q 13:4). The Qur'an also uses synonymous terms such as tafakkur thinking (Q 30:21) and tadabbur reflection (Q 47:24). Reason is a gift from God, a faculty that plays a key role even in deciding right from wrong and good from bad. Qur'an addresses intellect (Q 12:2) Reason is not sufficient by itself and can be used both for good as well as for evil. One can use reason to promote self-interest also, as is often done. Reason, it must be noted, is an instrument, not a goal and the exercise of it is essential for understanding and implementing the Deen. The Prophet warned, that person who does not exercise the intellect has no Deen.
Hikmah Wisdom is reason synthesized with higher values of compassion, justice and benevolence. Hikmah (Q 16:125) is concerned with reason as an instrument for the promotion of higher values that lead to spiritual growth, inner peace and happiness. Allah thus informs us of the high estimation of wisdom by saying, whosoever has been granted hikmah has been granted tremendous good. (Q 2:269)
Synthesis of Values
A true Believer synthesizes all these values of rahmah compassion, 'adl justice, ihsan benevolence, 'aql reason, hikmah wisdom; and imbibes them as part of his or her character and manifesting these in all levels of his or her existence.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Islam has long history downtown: Why the 'Ground Zero mosque' belongs in lower Manhattan
Rick Lazio, the gubernatorial candidate from Suffolk County, doesn't like it. Sarah Palin, though not exactly a New Yorker, has resoundingly "refudiated" it. More importantly, plenty of ordinary citizens vocally oppose the establishment of a Muslim community center and mosque near the World Trade Center site.
But no matter how offensive their presence may be to some people, Muslims have always been a part of lower Manhattan's past. In fact, Islam in New York began near Ground Zero. From an historical perspective, there could hardly be a better place for a mosque.
One of the first Arab-American enclaves in New York City was located on Washington St. in lower Manhattan - the very area in which the World Trade Center was later built. Founded by Arabic-speaking Christians and Muslims from Ottoman Syria in the 1880s, it was called Little Syria.
The heart of Little Syria was full of outdoor cafes where non-Arab visitors sometimes gawked at men smoking hookahs and trading gossip about the Ottoman Empire. In a 1903 article, the New York Times called the neighborhood "quaint," noting the "uniform politeness" of its inhabitants.
But no matter how offensive their presence may be to some people, Muslims have always been a part of lower Manhattan's past. In fact, Islam in New York began near Ground Zero. From an historical perspective, there could hardly be a better place for a mosque.
One of the first Arab-American enclaves in New York City was located on Washington St. in lower Manhattan - the very area in which the World Trade Center was later built. Founded by Arabic-speaking Christians and Muslims from Ottoman Syria in the 1880s, it was called Little Syria.
The heart of Little Syria was full of outdoor cafes where non-Arab visitors sometimes gawked at men smoking hookahs and trading gossip about the Ottoman Empire. In a 1903 article, the New York Times called the neighborhood "quaint," noting the "uniform politeness" of its inhabitants.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Women IN Islam
At a time when the rest of the world, from Greece and Rome to India and China, considered women as no better than children or even slaves, with no rights whatsoever, Islam acknowledged women's equality with men in a great many respects. The Quran states:
"And among His signs is this: that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest and peace of mind in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Certainly, herein indeed are signs for people who reflect." [Noble Quran 30:21]
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manners and kindest to his wife." [Abu Dawud]
Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were created from the same soul. Both were equally guilty of their sin and fall from grace, and Allah forgave both. Many women in Islam have had high status; consider the fact that the first person to convert to Islam was Khadijah, the wife of Muhammad, whom he both loved and respected. His favorite wife after Khadijah's death, Ayshah, became renowned as a scholar and one of the greatest sources of Hadith literature. Many of the female Companions accomplished great deeds and achieved fame, and throughout Islamic history there have been famous and influential scholars and jurists.
We might also mention that while many in the West criticize Islam with regard to the treatment of women, in fact a number of Muslim countries have had women rulers and presidents. To name a few: Turkey; Bangladesh and Pakistan.
With regard to education, both women and men have the same rights and obligations. This is clear in Prophet Muhammad's saying:
"Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every believer." [Ibn Majah]
This implies men and women.
A woman is to be treated as God has endowed her, with rights, such as to be treated as an individual, with the right to own and dispose of her own property and earnings, enter into contracts, even after marriage. She has the right to be educated and to work outside the home if she so chooses. She has the right to inherit from her father, mother, and husband. A very interesting point to note is that in Islam, unlike any other religion, a woman can be an imam, a leader of communal prayer, for a group of women.
A Muslim woman also has obligations. All the laws and regulations pertaining to prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, doing good deeds, etc., apply to women, albeit with minor differences having mainly to do with female physiology.
Before marriage, a woman has the right to choose her husband. Islamic law is very strict regarding the necessity of having the woman's consent for marriage. The groom gives a marriage dowry to the bride for her own personal use. She keeps her own family name, rather than taking her husband's. As a wife, a woman has the right to be supported by her husband even if she is already rich. She also has the right to seek divorce and custody of young children. She does not return the dowry, except in a few unusual situations.
Despite the fact that in many places and times Muslim communities have not always adhered to all or even many of the foregoing in practice, the ideal has been there for 1,400 years, while virtually all other major civilizations did not begin to address these issues or change their negative attitudes until the 19th and 20th centuries, and there are still many contemporary civilizations which have yet to do so.
"And among His signs is this: that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest and peace of mind in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Certainly, herein indeed are signs for people who reflect." [Noble Quran 30:21]
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manners and kindest to his wife." [Abu Dawud]
Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were created from the same soul. Both were equally guilty of their sin and fall from grace, and Allah forgave both. Many women in Islam have had high status; consider the fact that the first person to convert to Islam was Khadijah, the wife of Muhammad, whom he both loved and respected. His favorite wife after Khadijah's death, Ayshah, became renowned as a scholar and one of the greatest sources of Hadith literature. Many of the female Companions accomplished great deeds and achieved fame, and throughout Islamic history there have been famous and influential scholars and jurists.
We might also mention that while many in the West criticize Islam with regard to the treatment of women, in fact a number of Muslim countries have had women rulers and presidents. To name a few: Turkey; Bangladesh and Pakistan.
With regard to education, both women and men have the same rights and obligations. This is clear in Prophet Muhammad's saying:
"Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every believer." [Ibn Majah]
This implies men and women.
A woman is to be treated as God has endowed her, with rights, such as to be treated as an individual, with the right to own and dispose of her own property and earnings, enter into contracts, even after marriage. She has the right to be educated and to work outside the home if she so chooses. She has the right to inherit from her father, mother, and husband. A very interesting point to note is that in Islam, unlike any other religion, a woman can be an imam, a leader of communal prayer, for a group of women.
A Muslim woman also has obligations. All the laws and regulations pertaining to prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, doing good deeds, etc., apply to women, albeit with minor differences having mainly to do with female physiology.
Before marriage, a woman has the right to choose her husband. Islamic law is very strict regarding the necessity of having the woman's consent for marriage. The groom gives a marriage dowry to the bride for her own personal use. She keeps her own family name, rather than taking her husband's. As a wife, a woman has the right to be supported by her husband even if she is already rich. She also has the right to seek divorce and custody of young children. She does not return the dowry, except in a few unusual situations.
Despite the fact that in many places and times Muslim communities have not always adhered to all or even many of the foregoing in practice, the ideal has been there for 1,400 years, while virtually all other major civilizations did not begin to address these issues or change their negative attitudes until the 19th and 20th centuries, and there are still many contemporary civilizations which have yet to do so.
Friday, August 27, 2010
CAIR Asks Fla. Tea Party to Drop Anti-Islam Speaker
Keynote speaker is leader of hate group who says Muslims should be barred from public office
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 7/16/10) -- A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today called on a Tea Party group in Florida to drop an extremist anti-Islam speaker who has stated that Muslims should not be allowed to hold public office, that an American Muslim "cannot be a loyal citizen" and that Islam is the "real enemy."
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the group Emerald Coast Tea Party Patriots has invited Brigitte Gabriel, the head of the anti-Islam hate group ACT! for America, to be the keynote speaker at its "U.S. Constitution Freedom Rally" on August 21 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
SEE: U.S. Constitution Freedom Rally
CAIR is also calling on political candidates scheduled to appear at the event, including GOP Senate candidate Marco Rubio, to cancel their appearances unless Gabriel is dropped as a speaker.
That request comes just a day after CAIR offered support for an NAACP resolution passed earlier this week asking the Tea Party movement to condemn racism within its ranks.
SEE: CAIR Backs NAACP Resolution on Tea Party Racism
CAIR has also learned that California "Tea Party activists" are scheduled to be trained by ACT! for America on July 20 about "how to be an effective activist against Political Islam and its threat to our way of life."
SEE: ACT! for AMERICA: Basic Training Class 101
"Now is the time for Tea Party leaders to clearly demonstrate that their movement will not allow itself to be associated with bigotry of any kind, including Islamophobia," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.
Hooper noted that along with her stated desire to have Muslims barred from public office, Gabriel has also claimed that Arabs "have no soul" and that Muslims worship "something they call 'Allah,' which is very different from the God we believe [in]."
SEE: A Case Study in Sincere Hypocrisy: Brigitte Gabriel
Video: Brigitte Gabriel Says Arabs Have No Souls
Earlier this year, a person staffing an ACT! for America information table in Florida was caught on video bragging that he desecrated the Quran, Islam's revealed text, and urinates in the washing stations Muslims use to perform their ritual ablutions (wudu) for prayer.
SEE: Person at ACT! for America Table in Fla. Brags of Desecrating Quran
Gabriel told the Australian Jewish News: “Every practising Muslim is a radical Muslim.” She also claimed that “Islamo-fascism is a politically-correct word. . .it's the vehicle for Islam. . .Islam is the problem.”
When asked whether Americans should “resist Muslims who want to seek political office in this nation," Gabriel said:
"Absolutely. If a Muslim who has -- who is -- a practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Koran to be the word of Allah, who abides by Islam, who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day -- this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America."
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 7/16/10) -- A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today called on a Tea Party group in Florida to drop an extremist anti-Islam speaker who has stated that Muslims should not be allowed to hold public office, that an American Muslim "cannot be a loyal citizen" and that Islam is the "real enemy."
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the group Emerald Coast Tea Party Patriots has invited Brigitte Gabriel, the head of the anti-Islam hate group ACT! for America, to be the keynote speaker at its "U.S. Constitution Freedom Rally" on August 21 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
SEE: U.S. Constitution Freedom Rally
CAIR is also calling on political candidates scheduled to appear at the event, including GOP Senate candidate Marco Rubio, to cancel their appearances unless Gabriel is dropped as a speaker.
That request comes just a day after CAIR offered support for an NAACP resolution passed earlier this week asking the Tea Party movement to condemn racism within its ranks.
SEE: CAIR Backs NAACP Resolution on Tea Party Racism
CAIR has also learned that California "Tea Party activists" are scheduled to be trained by ACT! for America on July 20 about "how to be an effective activist against Political Islam and its threat to our way of life."
SEE: ACT! for AMERICA: Basic Training Class 101
"Now is the time for Tea Party leaders to clearly demonstrate that their movement will not allow itself to be associated with bigotry of any kind, including Islamophobia," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.
Hooper noted that along with her stated desire to have Muslims barred from public office, Gabriel has also claimed that Arabs "have no soul" and that Muslims worship "something they call 'Allah,' which is very different from the God we believe [in]."
SEE: A Case Study in Sincere Hypocrisy: Brigitte Gabriel
Video: Brigitte Gabriel Says Arabs Have No Souls
Earlier this year, a person staffing an ACT! for America information table in Florida was caught on video bragging that he desecrated the Quran, Islam's revealed text, and urinates in the washing stations Muslims use to perform their ritual ablutions (wudu) for prayer.
SEE: Person at ACT! for America Table in Fla. Brags of Desecrating Quran
Gabriel told the Australian Jewish News: “Every practising Muslim is a radical Muslim.” She also claimed that “Islamo-fascism is a politically-correct word. . .it's the vehicle for Islam. . .Islam is the problem.”
When asked whether Americans should “resist Muslims who want to seek political office in this nation," Gabriel said:
"Absolutely. If a Muslim who has -- who is -- a practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Koran to be the word of Allah, who abides by Islam, who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day -- this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America."
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Islamophobia in America
There is no doubt that Islamophobia is on the rise. It is no longer an isolated issue that is thriving in some bigotry-ridden corner in Europe. Thanks to its evil promoters, the beast has become a global phenomenon today. One such promoter is the group called Stop the Islamization of Europe (SIOE), which is led by Anders Gravers. As is evident from its motto "Islamophobia is the height of common sense," the group doesn't sugar-coat its bigotry. The group has its American equivalent in Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA), which was created by anti-Muslim bloggers, bigots and militants Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. One may recall that in 2008, Geller announced that Barack Hussein Obama is not, as previously reported, the son of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., but rather the illegitimate son of Malcolm X. In a 2009 blog she called for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. Sadly, conservative politicians and the media in the USA continue to lend her insanity credence thereby destroying whatever slender base of credibility that they had.
Florida's Dove World Outreach Center recently announced its plan for "International Burn a Koran Day" on 9/11, as a way to what it claims "stand up for righteousness." These Christian bigots are emboldened by many Republican politicians who are trying to reclaim their leadership amongst the right-wing, conservative, racist and bigoted section of their support base. And for them, fascists by many counts, nothing could be more politically expedient than targeting a minority religion whose 19 members reportedly had the audacity to strike back in a classic blowback style. Obviously, when the hunter gets hunted it is no fun any more; it loses its wit and behaves like a stinking sewage rat. So, the religion of Islam, the faith of 1.5 billion Muslims, has to be evil! What else can explain the "terrorism" of those hijackers on 9/11!
Unfortunately, xenophobia sells, as it did in places like Nazi Germany some eighty years ago. With a deflationary economy that has yet to show a recovery sign from the almost-trillion dollar stimulus package and unending wars in Iraq and Af-Pak territories it is not difficult to fathom why the fascist elements within the American society are selling this poison pill of Islamophobia.
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Take for instance the statements made by Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of the Representatives in the USA, in relation to his opposition to the proposed construction of a Muslim cultural center in Lower Manhattan. The Muslim site is several hundred yards away from the former WTC and yet, if you listen to bigots like Gingrich, it would seem that the proposed site is right in the middle of the Ground Zero. He has argued, among other chauvinist and highly offensive things, that the Muslim congregation shouldn't build the center because "Nazis don't have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust Museum in Washington." Just in one such xenophobic outburst he has equated American Muslims with the Nazis. For years, this immoral politician has been dreaming about a political comeback, and for him nothing could be more opportunistic than selling fear of a growing Islamic polity. Sarah Palin has weighed in, too, in opposing the "Ground Zero mosque." The pain, she said, is "too raw, too real." Surely, with a bastard grandchild now she ought to know this "pain" better than most American grandmas!
Every Republican now imagines to have discovered the winning formula to either get reelected or unseat their Democratic opponent in the coming elections. The message has not lost its mark amongst vulnerable Democratic candidates either. The Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, a spineless politician, had no moral qualms in opposing the endorsement of the president. Even the president himself looked less than presidential and credible with his flip-flop remarks to reporters just within 24 hours of his earlier statement in a White House Iftar party that favored the construction of the Muslim cultural center. It was a sickening display that lacked wisdom and courage!
Karl Rove, perhaps former president George W. Bush's closest adviser in the White House, said in an interview last Wednesday on ABC News that Obama did "real damage to America's standing in the world by this inconsistent and incoherent answer that he gave Friday night with a different answer on Saturday morning." He is right.
The offensive statements from mainstream politicians against Islam and its people are sure to damage America's liberal and open society image abroad. The opposition to the proposed Muslim center would be the greatest gift delivered on a platinum plate to the very al-Qaeda that America claims fighting since 9/11.
Florida's Dove World Outreach Center recently announced its plan for "International Burn a Koran Day" on 9/11, as a way to what it claims "stand up for righteousness." These Christian bigots are emboldened by many Republican politicians who are trying to reclaim their leadership amongst the right-wing, conservative, racist and bigoted section of their support base. And for them, fascists by many counts, nothing could be more politically expedient than targeting a minority religion whose 19 members reportedly had the audacity to strike back in a classic blowback style. Obviously, when the hunter gets hunted it is no fun any more; it loses its wit and behaves like a stinking sewage rat. So, the religion of Islam, the faith of 1.5 billion Muslims, has to be evil! What else can explain the "terrorism" of those hijackers on 9/11!
Unfortunately, xenophobia sells, as it did in places like Nazi Germany some eighty years ago. With a deflationary economy that has yet to show a recovery sign from the almost-trillion dollar stimulus package and unending wars in Iraq and Af-Pak territories it is not difficult to fathom why the fascist elements within the American society are selling this poison pill of Islamophobia.
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Take for instance the statements made by Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of the Representatives in the USA, in relation to his opposition to the proposed construction of a Muslim cultural center in Lower Manhattan. The Muslim site is several hundred yards away from the former WTC and yet, if you listen to bigots like Gingrich, it would seem that the proposed site is right in the middle of the Ground Zero. He has argued, among other chauvinist and highly offensive things, that the Muslim congregation shouldn't build the center because "Nazis don't have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust Museum in Washington." Just in one such xenophobic outburst he has equated American Muslims with the Nazis. For years, this immoral politician has been dreaming about a political comeback, and for him nothing could be more opportunistic than selling fear of a growing Islamic polity. Sarah Palin has weighed in, too, in opposing the "Ground Zero mosque." The pain, she said, is "too raw, too real." Surely, with a bastard grandchild now she ought to know this "pain" better than most American grandmas!
Every Republican now imagines to have discovered the winning formula to either get reelected or unseat their Democratic opponent in the coming elections. The message has not lost its mark amongst vulnerable Democratic candidates either. The Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, a spineless politician, had no moral qualms in opposing the endorsement of the president. Even the president himself looked less than presidential and credible with his flip-flop remarks to reporters just within 24 hours of his earlier statement in a White House Iftar party that favored the construction of the Muslim cultural center. It was a sickening display that lacked wisdom and courage!
Karl Rove, perhaps former president George W. Bush's closest adviser in the White House, said in an interview last Wednesday on ABC News that Obama did "real damage to America's standing in the world by this inconsistent and incoherent answer that he gave Friday night with a different answer on Saturday morning." He is right.
The offensive statements from mainstream politicians against Islam and its people are sure to damage America's liberal and open society image abroad. The opposition to the proposed Muslim center would be the greatest gift delivered on a platinum plate to the very al-Qaeda that America claims fighting since 9/11.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Blessed Ramadhan Through the Generation - Part 3
We know from the saying of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam (please be upon him) that salah (prayer) is the pillar of one's deen. Salah is the foundation for one's relationship with Allah, subhanahu wata'ala (be He glorious and exalted). How precious is salah to us in our daily lives? When you hold a precious newborn baby, you take special care to be gentle and protective.
In the same way, salah needs delicate and careful handling. We have to know the right approach, the right mind set, the right way to present ourselves to the Lord of the Universe. The Qur'an says: "Successful indeed are the believers, those who in their salah have khushu' (humility)" [23:1-2]. And the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: "The first thing to be lifted up from this Ummah will be khushu', until you see no one who has khushu"' (Tabarani). And in another hadeeth (Prophet's Muhammad's saying): "O Allah, I seek refuge with You from a heart that has no khushu'..." (Tirmithi and Ibn Majah).
So what is khushu'? It encompasses awareness, surrender, humbleness, dignity, and calm-the right approach, the right mindset, the right way to present ourselves to the Lord of the Universe. This is in contrast to the all too common experience of salah. Many of us have become slaves to the "habit" of praying salah, doing so in a mechanical and thoughtless manner. Salah then does not improve us, does not increase our eman, and does not deter us from wrongdoing. This kind of salah, rather than bringing us nearer to Allah, makes us remote from Him. So how can we increase khushu' in our salah?
1. Formulate our intention with regard to salah. That means that we will be mindful of why we are praying and what the benefits and blessings are of salah. If you make a list of these, you begin to see just how extensive it is. Salah demonstrates surrender and obedience to Allah It cleanses and removes our sins. It prevents sins and wrongdoings. It positions us to be graced by Allah with the reward of Paradise and protects us from the punishment of Hell. It brings Allah's help and guidance. It brings comfort and delight. It cultivates patience and perseverance. It exercises the will It increases adaptability. It teaches us to silence the inner chatter. Ibn Al-Jawzi said: "Whoever sees the dawn of reward bears easily the darkness of responsibility." Human beings have a need to see the purpose and the benefits in striving for a goal. Research shows that "why" one wants to change or achieve something constitutes 80 percent of the success.
2. Approach the salah with remembrance of death. If we remember that this life is a preparation for the Day upon which Allah will recompense each soul according to what it has earned; that death is the transition to the next life; and that death could be now or tomorrow-then we will make salali as if it is our last salah and the last supplica- tion to Allah for His mercy and forgiveness. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: ".. .and make the salah of a man who does not think he will make another salah" (Al-Albany, as-Silsilah as-Sahihah). If we keep the remembrance of death fresh in our conscious mind when we approach salali, we will have greater awareness, surrender, humbleness, dignity, and calm.
3. Approach and perform the prayer with fullest awareness of the power and glory of Allah, and of the noble stature and challenge of being human. One of the Tabi'een (a person who met a Companion of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) would visibly change in the coloring of his face at the time of prayer. He would say: "Do you know before whom I am going to stand and with whom I am going to talk?!" (Silah al-Yaqadhan li Tard al-Shaytan, Abdul-Azeez Sultan). And Ali ibn AbiTalib would not only change color, he would be visibly shaken. When asked why, he said: "By Allah, there has come the time of the amanah (trust) which Allah offered to the heav- ens and the earth and the mountains, but they declined to bear it, but I bore it."
4. Perform the salah in a measured pace and keep the eyes on the place of prostration. Carelessness and haste in salah are impediments to khushu'. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: "The one who does not do ruku' (bowing) properly and pecks (like a bird) in sujud (prostration), is like a starving man who eats only one or two dates; it does not do him any good at all" (Tabarani). A measured pace and singular focus befits the occasion of standing before one's Lord.
5. Think deeply about the meaning of the ayaat (verses) that are being recited during the prayer. Ibn Jareer said: "I am astonished at people who recite the Qur'an and do not know what it means..." If the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, himself would often spend hours reflecting upon one verse, we can understand the importance of thinking, reflecting, and probing the mean- ing. When Saeed At-Tanukhi made salah, tears would roll down his cheeks, wetting his beard. Only by reflecting deeply on the meaning of the Qur'an can we be moved as they were. "And they fall down on their faces weeping, and it adds to their khushu"' [17:109].
These five steps can humble us, heighten our aware- ness of the greatness of prayer, and bring a calmness and dignity to our minds, hearts, and limbs. In this way we feel our surrender to Allah becoming more full, more complete! We have to remember that if we want to ensure our children's surrender to Allah, we must truthfully represent that surrender with our own manner of thought, feeling, and action. In that way, our children will emulate us and they will love Allah. If we increase the khushu' in our own salah, we are doing much to ensure that the salah of our children will not be meaningless, empty, mechanical, and unsuccessful.
To conclude....
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1. If we are dedicated to self-transformation and growth, continuously observing, examining, and correcting/improving ourselves (in a gently, loving, and self-accepting way), then we are striving to guard our rela-tionship with self.
2. If we abide by a constitution of adab in all our relationships and particularly in the relationship with our
spouse and children, then we are striving to guard our relationships with others.
3. And if we strive to increase our khushu' in salah as a means to draw nearer to Allah and to more completely
surrender to Him, then we are striving to guard our relationship with Him.
We said at the beginning that the month of Ramadhan is a wonderful time for reflection and self-examining. If we seize the opportunity during this blessed month to reflect deeply on our relationships and to implement the above three principles of good relationship, then we will be taking the steps necessary to avoid defect in our relationships and prevent a "shaving clean" of our religion. We will be providing a superb model for our children.And our relationship with them will be held securely between...
May Allah accept from us all our fasting, our prayers, our charity, and our resolutions to implement whatever we learn so that it becomes knowledge of the heart and an experience of deep devotion. Ameen.
In the same way, salah needs delicate and careful handling. We have to know the right approach, the right mind set, the right way to present ourselves to the Lord of the Universe. The Qur'an says: "Successful indeed are the believers, those who in their salah have khushu' (humility)" [23:1-2]. And the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: "The first thing to be lifted up from this Ummah will be khushu', until you see no one who has khushu"' (Tabarani). And in another hadeeth (Prophet's Muhammad's saying): "O Allah, I seek refuge with You from a heart that has no khushu'..." (Tirmithi and Ibn Majah).
So what is khushu'? It encompasses awareness, surrender, humbleness, dignity, and calm-the right approach, the right mindset, the right way to present ourselves to the Lord of the Universe. This is in contrast to the all too common experience of salah. Many of us have become slaves to the "habit" of praying salah, doing so in a mechanical and thoughtless manner. Salah then does not improve us, does not increase our eman, and does not deter us from wrongdoing. This kind of salah, rather than bringing us nearer to Allah, makes us remote from Him. So how can we increase khushu' in our salah?
1. Formulate our intention with regard to salah. That means that we will be mindful of why we are praying and what the benefits and blessings are of salah. If you make a list of these, you begin to see just how extensive it is. Salah demonstrates surrender and obedience to Allah It cleanses and removes our sins. It prevents sins and wrongdoings. It positions us to be graced by Allah with the reward of Paradise and protects us from the punishment of Hell. It brings Allah's help and guidance. It brings comfort and delight. It cultivates patience and perseverance. It exercises the will It increases adaptability. It teaches us to silence the inner chatter. Ibn Al-Jawzi said: "Whoever sees the dawn of reward bears easily the darkness of responsibility." Human beings have a need to see the purpose and the benefits in striving for a goal. Research shows that "why" one wants to change or achieve something constitutes 80 percent of the success.
2. Approach the salah with remembrance of death. If we remember that this life is a preparation for the Day upon which Allah will recompense each soul according to what it has earned; that death is the transition to the next life; and that death could be now or tomorrow-then we will make salali as if it is our last salah and the last supplica- tion to Allah for His mercy and forgiveness. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: ".. .and make the salah of a man who does not think he will make another salah" (Al-Albany, as-Silsilah as-Sahihah). If we keep the remembrance of death fresh in our conscious mind when we approach salali, we will have greater awareness, surrender, humbleness, dignity, and calm.
3. Approach and perform the prayer with fullest awareness of the power and glory of Allah, and of the noble stature and challenge of being human. One of the Tabi'een (a person who met a Companion of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) would visibly change in the coloring of his face at the time of prayer. He would say: "Do you know before whom I am going to stand and with whom I am going to talk?!" (Silah al-Yaqadhan li Tard al-Shaytan, Abdul-Azeez Sultan). And Ali ibn AbiTalib would not only change color, he would be visibly shaken. When asked why, he said: "By Allah, there has come the time of the amanah (trust) which Allah offered to the heav- ens and the earth and the mountains, but they declined to bear it, but I bore it."
4. Perform the salah in a measured pace and keep the eyes on the place of prostration. Carelessness and haste in salah are impediments to khushu'. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: "The one who does not do ruku' (bowing) properly and pecks (like a bird) in sujud (prostration), is like a starving man who eats only one or two dates; it does not do him any good at all" (Tabarani). A measured pace and singular focus befits the occasion of standing before one's Lord.
5. Think deeply about the meaning of the ayaat (verses) that are being recited during the prayer. Ibn Jareer said: "I am astonished at people who recite the Qur'an and do not know what it means..." If the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, himself would often spend hours reflecting upon one verse, we can understand the importance of thinking, reflecting, and probing the mean- ing. When Saeed At-Tanukhi made salah, tears would roll down his cheeks, wetting his beard. Only by reflecting deeply on the meaning of the Qur'an can we be moved as they were. "And they fall down on their faces weeping, and it adds to their khushu"' [17:109].
These five steps can humble us, heighten our aware- ness of the greatness of prayer, and bring a calmness and dignity to our minds, hearts, and limbs. In this way we feel our surrender to Allah becoming more full, more complete! We have to remember that if we want to ensure our children's surrender to Allah, we must truthfully represent that surrender with our own manner of thought, feeling, and action. In that way, our children will emulate us and they will love Allah. If we increase the khushu' in our own salah, we are doing much to ensure that the salah of our children will not be meaningless, empty, mechanical, and unsuccessful.
To conclude....
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1. If we are dedicated to self-transformation and growth, continuously observing, examining, and correcting/improving ourselves (in a gently, loving, and self-accepting way), then we are striving to guard our rela-tionship with self.
2. If we abide by a constitution of adab in all our relationships and particularly in the relationship with our
spouse and children, then we are striving to guard our relationships with others.
3. And if we strive to increase our khushu' in salah as a means to draw nearer to Allah and to more completely
surrender to Him, then we are striving to guard our relationship with Him.
We said at the beginning that the month of Ramadhan is a wonderful time for reflection and self-examining. If we seize the opportunity during this blessed month to reflect deeply on our relationships and to implement the above three principles of good relationship, then we will be taking the steps necessary to avoid defect in our relationships and prevent a "shaving clean" of our religion. We will be providing a superb model for our children.And our relationship with them will be held securely between...
May Allah accept from us all our fasting, our prayers, our charity, and our resolutions to implement whatever we learn so that it becomes knowledge of the heart and an experience of deep devotion. Ameen.
Growing anti-mosque hysteria in the heart of America
The “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy is gradually developing into a national hysteria threatening to shack the image, and potentially the reality, of the United State as an open society and a beacon of freedom and civil liberties. The campaign against the proposed mosque in lower Manhattan has already dwarfed the one mobilized early last year by European far right parties to ban Swiss Muslims from building minarets for their mosques.
The anti mosque campaign is a testimony to the growing influence of the American far right in media and political circles and a sad commentary on the ability of Muslim bashers to sway public opinion in the post 9/11 American.
The campaign is led by open bigots like Pamela Geller who is on record calling for the destruction of the Golden Dome Mosque so a Jewish temple can be built in its place, and who recently argued that Hitler adopted Jihad and was inspired by Islam to commit the Holocaust. She is also on record “praying” for a nuclear war between Iran and Israel that would give the latter the opportunity to nuke Tehran, Mecca, and
Medina. She has the audacity to question the patriotism of President Obama and accuse him on numerous occasions being a covert Muslim and an anti-Semitic, Jihadist Mohammadan [sic] who is aiding the Iranian regime.
Geller, along with her network of likeminded Muslim bashers, including
Sean Hannity of the Fox News and Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch, succeeded in setting the tone of the current debate. They have referred to the proposed Islamic center as a “triumphant mosque” claiming that it is customary for Muslims to build such mosques after defeating their enemies. They called the plan to build an Islamic
center two blocks away from ground zero a provocation intended to upset the families of the victims of 9/11. They even argued that the site of 9/11 is a hallowed ground and should hence be made inaccessible for Muslims to build an Islamic Center two blocks away from its site.
The language of “provocation,” “triumph,” and “sensitivity” presumes that all Muslims, and not only al-Qaida members, are guilty of 9/11 attacks. Muslim Americans by and large, including Imam Faisal Rauf, have strongly rejected al-Qaida actions and views, as did most Muslims the world over. To equate Muslims with the atrocities committed by al-Qaida operatives is tantamount to equating Christians with the massacres committed by the Serb nationalists in Bosnia. The opponent of building an Islamic center near 9/11 site must remember that ground zero is hallowed not only by Jewish and Christian blood, but by the blood of over 90 Muslims who perished on that horrific day.
Despite the twisted logic of these arguments, and the blatant efforts to revive medieval anti-Muslim propaganda and equate all Muslims with the criminal attacks of 9/11 terrorists, several prominent politicians jumped on the anti-mosque bandwagon. Republican leaders, including Dwight Gingrich and Sarah Palin, sided with the anti-mosque crowd. The Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid added his voice to those who spoke against the mosque. Even President Obama wavered in the face of the anti-mosque campaign as he seems to backpedal after speaking strongly in support of the right of American Muslims to exercise their religious freedom.
Obama reportedly made a distinction between the “right” to build the mosque, which he supports, and the “wisdom” of building the mosque, on which he chose to withhold judgment. Granted that having right and being right are two different things, it is unfortunate that President Obama seems to indirectly question the wisdom of the Islamic center proponents rather than those who unfairly oppose it. If anyone’s actions and motives should be questioned, it should be those of the bigots who equate Islam with terrorism and who have embarked on a campaign of disinformation and character assassination to stop Muslims from exercising their constitutional rights freely. Yet it is the actions and motives of the Muslim peacemakers who took the initiative to build an Islamic center dedicated to enhancing interfaith dialogue and cooperation, and who have for decades been involved in counter extremist interpretations and in bridge building with their Jewish and Christian neighbors are place under scrutiny.
The history of the United States clearly illustrates that the constitutional rights Americans have cannot be separated from their ability to exercise their rights freely. Despite having constitutional rights, African Americans were prevented from exercising their rights by racists and demagogues who used every false arguments to stipulate how, when, and under what conditions black Americans could exercise their rights.
If history teaches us anything it should teach us that people have rights only when they can exercise them freely, and that they have to exercise them despite the arguments of those who want to limit their rights. This simple fact was borne through the struggles of all numerous individuals whose ability to exercise their rights was thwarted by the ignorance and prejudice of their countrymen, including blacks, women, Jews, Catholics, and now Muslims.
It is now the time for Muslim Americans to follow the excellent examples of those who struggled before them, and remind the whole world once again that no false arguments should be allowed to separate the rights of a minority and its ability to exercise its rights freely.
Right wing media has generated a national hysteria, and amplified the voices of far right pundits who succeeded in creating enough suspicion and arousing public passion against the proposed Manhattan Islamic Center through misinforming and unfounded accusations. It is time for national leaders of all religious persuasions to do the right thing and speak with clear and unwavering voice in support of the right of Muslims to freely exercise their religious freedom. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Fareed Zakaria of the Newsweek have set a high example of statesmanship and principled media punditry.
Will we see more principled voices in the face of shameless demagoguery? If 9/11 shocks has not penetrated into the soul of America and has not changed its spirit then America will once again reject the voices of intolerance and push the bigots back into their dark corners where they belong.
The anti mosque campaign is a testimony to the growing influence of the American far right in media and political circles and a sad commentary on the ability of Muslim bashers to sway public opinion in the post 9/11 American.
The campaign is led by open bigots like Pamela Geller who is on record calling for the destruction of the Golden Dome Mosque so a Jewish temple can be built in its place, and who recently argued that Hitler adopted Jihad and was inspired by Islam to commit the Holocaust. She is also on record “praying” for a nuclear war between Iran and Israel that would give the latter the opportunity to nuke Tehran, Mecca, and
Medina. She has the audacity to question the patriotism of President Obama and accuse him on numerous occasions being a covert Muslim and an anti-Semitic, Jihadist Mohammadan [sic] who is aiding the Iranian regime.
Geller, along with her network of likeminded Muslim bashers, including
Sean Hannity of the Fox News and Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch, succeeded in setting the tone of the current debate. They have referred to the proposed Islamic center as a “triumphant mosque” claiming that it is customary for Muslims to build such mosques after defeating their enemies. They called the plan to build an Islamic
center two blocks away from ground zero a provocation intended to upset the families of the victims of 9/11. They even argued that the site of 9/11 is a hallowed ground and should hence be made inaccessible for Muslims to build an Islamic Center two blocks away from its site.
The language of “provocation,” “triumph,” and “sensitivity” presumes that all Muslims, and not only al-Qaida members, are guilty of 9/11 attacks. Muslim Americans by and large, including Imam Faisal Rauf, have strongly rejected al-Qaida actions and views, as did most Muslims the world over. To equate Muslims with the atrocities committed by al-Qaida operatives is tantamount to equating Christians with the massacres committed by the Serb nationalists in Bosnia. The opponent of building an Islamic center near 9/11 site must remember that ground zero is hallowed not only by Jewish and Christian blood, but by the blood of over 90 Muslims who perished on that horrific day.
Despite the twisted logic of these arguments, and the blatant efforts to revive medieval anti-Muslim propaganda and equate all Muslims with the criminal attacks of 9/11 terrorists, several prominent politicians jumped on the anti-mosque bandwagon. Republican leaders, including Dwight Gingrich and Sarah Palin, sided with the anti-mosque crowd. The Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid added his voice to those who spoke against the mosque. Even President Obama wavered in the face of the anti-mosque campaign as he seems to backpedal after speaking strongly in support of the right of American Muslims to exercise their religious freedom.
Obama reportedly made a distinction between the “right” to build the mosque, which he supports, and the “wisdom” of building the mosque, on which he chose to withhold judgment. Granted that having right and being right are two different things, it is unfortunate that President Obama seems to indirectly question the wisdom of the Islamic center proponents rather than those who unfairly oppose it. If anyone’s actions and motives should be questioned, it should be those of the bigots who equate Islam with terrorism and who have embarked on a campaign of disinformation and character assassination to stop Muslims from exercising their constitutional rights freely. Yet it is the actions and motives of the Muslim peacemakers who took the initiative to build an Islamic center dedicated to enhancing interfaith dialogue and cooperation, and who have for decades been involved in counter extremist interpretations and in bridge building with their Jewish and Christian neighbors are place under scrutiny.
The history of the United States clearly illustrates that the constitutional rights Americans have cannot be separated from their ability to exercise their rights freely. Despite having constitutional rights, African Americans were prevented from exercising their rights by racists and demagogues who used every false arguments to stipulate how, when, and under what conditions black Americans could exercise their rights.
If history teaches us anything it should teach us that people have rights only when they can exercise them freely, and that they have to exercise them despite the arguments of those who want to limit their rights. This simple fact was borne through the struggles of all numerous individuals whose ability to exercise their rights was thwarted by the ignorance and prejudice of their countrymen, including blacks, women, Jews, Catholics, and now Muslims.
It is now the time for Muslim Americans to follow the excellent examples of those who struggled before them, and remind the whole world once again that no false arguments should be allowed to separate the rights of a minority and its ability to exercise its rights freely.
Right wing media has generated a national hysteria, and amplified the voices of far right pundits who succeeded in creating enough suspicion and arousing public passion against the proposed Manhattan Islamic Center through misinforming and unfounded accusations. It is time for national leaders of all religious persuasions to do the right thing and speak with clear and unwavering voice in support of the right of Muslims to freely exercise their religious freedom. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Fareed Zakaria of the Newsweek have set a high example of statesmanship and principled media punditry.
Will we see more principled voices in the face of shameless demagoguery? If 9/11 shocks has not penetrated into the soul of America and has not changed its spirit then America will once again reject the voices of intolerance and push the bigots back into their dark corners where they belong.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Malaysian Muslim prayer hall hit in fresh attack
Kuala Lumpur, August 24: A Malaysian Muslim prayer hall was vandalised Monday, police said, in the first incident since a spate of assaults on places of worship earlier this year that heightened ethnic tensions.
Eleven churches and two Muslim prayer halls were pelted with Molotov cocktails, stones and paint in January, as a row raged over non-Muslims using the word "Allah" as a translation for "God".
In Monday's incident, red paint was hurled on to the wall and window of a new prayer hall in the central state of Negri Sembilan, state police chief Osman Salleh told AFP.
"We are still investigating the motive behind the incident," he said, adding that it may merely have been a case of vandalism by "naughty kids".
"It might not be religiously or politically linked. I want the people to remain calm and not to over-react to this," Osman said.
Opposition lawmakers who visited the scene of incident condemned the attack, and said they hoped it did not cause problems in the area, which has a mix of Muslim Malays as well as ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities.
"We hope it will not create any tension among the communities. This is something that we are worried about," said state opposition chief Anthony Loke from the Democratic Action Party.
"We hope the attack can be contained immediately," Loke added. Religion and language are sensitive issues in multiracial Malaysia, which was hit by deadly race riots in 1969.
Some 60 percent of the 28 million population are Muslim Malays, living alongside large ethnic Chinese and Indian communities.
Two Muslim brothers were earlier this month sentenced to five years in prison for firebombing a church in suburban Kuala Lumpur, which was the first targeted in the spate of attacks that shocked the nation in January.
The trouble broke out after a court overturned a ban on non-Muslim Malaysians using the term "Allah" for "God".
The government argued that the use of the word by Christians, who make up nine percent of the population, could cause confusion and encourage religious conversion, which is illegal for Malaysian Muslims.
Eleven churches and two Muslim prayer halls were pelted with Molotov cocktails, stones and paint in January, as a row raged over non-Muslims using the word "Allah" as a translation for "God".
In Monday's incident, red paint was hurled on to the wall and window of a new prayer hall in the central state of Negri Sembilan, state police chief Osman Salleh told AFP.
"We are still investigating the motive behind the incident," he said, adding that it may merely have been a case of vandalism by "naughty kids".
"It might not be religiously or politically linked. I want the people to remain calm and not to over-react to this," Osman said.
Opposition lawmakers who visited the scene of incident condemned the attack, and said they hoped it did not cause problems in the area, which has a mix of Muslim Malays as well as ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities.
"We hope it will not create any tension among the communities. This is something that we are worried about," said state opposition chief Anthony Loke from the Democratic Action Party.
"We hope the attack can be contained immediately," Loke added. Religion and language are sensitive issues in multiracial Malaysia, which was hit by deadly race riots in 1969.
Some 60 percent of the 28 million population are Muslim Malays, living alongside large ethnic Chinese and Indian communities.
Two Muslim brothers were earlier this month sentenced to five years in prison for firebombing a church in suburban Kuala Lumpur, which was the first targeted in the spate of attacks that shocked the nation in January.
The trouble broke out after a court overturned a ban on non-Muslim Malaysians using the term "Allah" for "God".
The government argued that the use of the word by Christians, who make up nine percent of the population, could cause confusion and encourage religious conversion, which is illegal for Malaysian Muslims.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bangladesh bars enforced Islamic dress code
A Bangladesh court has ruled that people cannot be forced to wear skull caps, veils or other religious clothing in workplaces, schools and colleges.
The ruling came after reports that a college in the north had forced students to wear veils.
The high court also ruled that women cannot be prevented from taking part in sports or cultural activities.The court said that wearing any form of religious clothing, for students and employees, should be a personal choice.
It has also asked the authorities to explain why it should not be made illegal to prevent girls from taking part in sports and cultural activities.
In April this year, the court ordered schools and colleges not to force women to wear the burqa, a garment that covers the entire body except the eyes and hands.
Mahbub Shafique, one of the lawyers who filed the latest litigation, told the BBC how this ruling goes a step further.
"The difference between these two is that, this particular ruling today doesn't apply only on females it also applies to males as well.
"Because any kind of religious attire is imposed, that has been declared illegal to some extent."
The repeated interventions by the court show that these orders are likely to be ignored by most people living outside the capital Dhaka.
Though Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority nation, most people practise a moderate version of Islam.
In the long run, the country's politicians want the country to transform into a secular democracy rather than an Islamic republic.
Reference by:
The ruling came after reports that a college in the north had forced students to wear veils.
The high court also ruled that women cannot be prevented from taking part in sports or cultural activities.The court said that wearing any form of religious clothing, for students and employees, should be a personal choice.
It has also asked the authorities to explain why it should not be made illegal to prevent girls from taking part in sports and cultural activities.
In April this year, the court ordered schools and colleges not to force women to wear the burqa, a garment that covers the entire body except the eyes and hands.
Mahbub Shafique, one of the lawyers who filed the latest litigation, told the BBC how this ruling goes a step further.
"The difference between these two is that, this particular ruling today doesn't apply only on females it also applies to males as well.
"Because any kind of religious attire is imposed, that has been declared illegal to some extent."
The repeated interventions by the court show that these orders are likely to be ignored by most people living outside the capital Dhaka.
Though Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority nation, most people practise a moderate version of Islam.
In the long run, the country's politicians want the country to transform into a secular democracy rather than an Islamic republic.
Reference by:
Friday, August 20, 2010
Zakir Naik Exclusion Order a Serious Error of Judgement
The Muslim Council of Britain deplores Home Secretary Theresa Mays uncharacteristically intemperate move to ban the renowned Indian mainstream Islamic scholar Dr. Zakir Abdul-Karim Naik, from a speakers tour in the UK, reported in the media (Daily Telegraph, 18th June 2010), apparently because of his unacceptable behaviour and that his visit would not be conducive to the public good.
The Home Secretarys action serves to demonise the very voices within the world ready for debate and discussion. The tour would have been a golden opportunity for young Muslims who are eager to hear the true messages of Islam which promote understanding between communities.
It appears that Government has responded to a recent campaign of vilification against the scholar, ignoring what Dr Naik stated on 11th June 2010: the purpose of this statement is in response to the recent press reports about my intended tour to the UK in June 2010, including the things I am supposed to have previously said including their context and my views about terrorism and violent extremism in the light of the beautiful faith of a student of comparative religion my work has involved engaging in constructive discussion with people of other major faiths, promoting similarities and converging values for a common platform of Peace using the commonalities that bind us all together....
Expressing his grave concern at the decision, the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said today "this exclusion order demonstrates the double standards practised by the government concerning freedom of speech. While preachers of hate such as Geert Wilders are free to promote their bigotry in this country, respected Muslim scholars such as Dr Naik are refused entry to the UK under false pretences. It is deeply regrettable this is likely to cause serious damage to community cohesion in our country."
Reference by:
The Home Secretarys action serves to demonise the very voices within the world ready for debate and discussion. The tour would have been a golden opportunity for young Muslims who are eager to hear the true messages of Islam which promote understanding between communities.
It appears that Government has responded to a recent campaign of vilification against the scholar, ignoring what Dr Naik stated on 11th June 2010: the purpose of this statement is in response to the recent press reports about my intended tour to the UK in June 2010, including the things I am supposed to have previously said including their context and my views about terrorism and violent extremism in the light of the beautiful faith of a student of comparative religion my work has involved engaging in constructive discussion with people of other major faiths, promoting similarities and converging values for a common platform of Peace using the commonalities that bind us all together....
Expressing his grave concern at the decision, the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said today "this exclusion order demonstrates the double standards practised by the government concerning freedom of speech. While preachers of hate such as Geert Wilders are free to promote their bigotry in this country, respected Muslim scholars such as Dr Naik are refused entry to the UK under false pretences. It is deeply regrettable this is likely to cause serious damage to community cohesion in our country."
Reference by:
Micro Finance - Islamic Microfinance
Micro-finance as a means of offering basic banking and small loans to those typically unable to gain such services in the mainstream finance markets was pioneered by Bangladeshi economist Dr. Muhammad Yunus. Dr Yunus was awarded the Nobel Prize for his immense contribution in poverty alleviation of Bangladesh.
Islamic Microfinance Contracts
Micro Islamic or Sharia compatible products use the same contracts and methods as traditional mainstream Islamic Banking.
These contracts can either operate individually or be combined with other contracts. Below are some of the common Islamic microfinance contracts.
Murabaha Sale (cost plus markup sale contract):
Ijarah (leasing contract)
Musharaka and Mudaraba (profit and loss sharing)
Takaful (mutual insurance)
Mudaraba Model:
The microfinance program and the microenterprise are partners in mudaraba-based transactions. In musharaka both the financier and the entrepreneur invest funds, while in mudaraba the financier invests only money and the entrepreneur invests labor. In this model the microentrepreneur is rewarded for his work and shares in the profit and the program only shares in the profit. In this process, profit is unknown, but profit-sharing rates are predetermined.
In this model with comparison to other forms of Islamic banking, the lending agency would not be entitled to a distribution of its share in case entrepreneur’s suffer losses. However, the lending agency could also agree that in case the entrepreneur was to generate more profits, he would be entitled to retain 100% of the same. For businesses with a longer profit cycle the mudaraba model might be beneficial
A Murabaha Model:
The murabaha contract is similar to trade finance in the context of working capital loans and to leasing in the context of fixed capital loans. Under this contract, the microfinance program buys goods and resell them to the microenterprises for the original cost of the goods plus a markup against administrative costs. The borrower is responsible to pay back the amount against commodity he gets in equal installments. The murabaha model is simple to understand for borrowers, under this model the microfinance program will remain the owner of product until the last installment is paid.
Under microfinance murabaha model the procedure for loan application is simple. Once a loan application approved, the loan officer buys the chosen products and resells the borrowers after adding up a markup amount.
Some sharia focused clients have expressed doubts about the mechanism of murabah (buy-resell) because it looks similar to the forbidden practice of fixed interest rates (riba). In such situation, mechanism should be explained properly to borrowers and local religious leaders.
In some interpretations the handling and obtaining a loan in the form of money is considered haram (forbidden). In those areas, borrowers prefer to purchase goods that the microfinance program would purchase on their behalf and then “resell” to them. The major possible drawback of this model is the program’s higher administrative cost.
Reference by:
Islamic Microfinance Contracts
Micro Islamic or Sharia compatible products use the same contracts and methods as traditional mainstream Islamic Banking.
These contracts can either operate individually or be combined with other contracts. Below are some of the common Islamic microfinance contracts.
Murabaha Sale (cost plus markup sale contract):
Ijarah (leasing contract)
Musharaka and Mudaraba (profit and loss sharing)
Takaful (mutual insurance)
Mudaraba Model:
The microfinance program and the microenterprise are partners in mudaraba-based transactions. In musharaka both the financier and the entrepreneur invest funds, while in mudaraba the financier invests only money and the entrepreneur invests labor. In this model the microentrepreneur is rewarded for his work and shares in the profit and the program only shares in the profit. In this process, profit is unknown, but profit-sharing rates are predetermined.
In this model with comparison to other forms of Islamic banking, the lending agency would not be entitled to a distribution of its share in case entrepreneur’s suffer losses. However, the lending agency could also agree that in case the entrepreneur was to generate more profits, he would be entitled to retain 100% of the same. For businesses with a longer profit cycle the mudaraba model might be beneficial
A Murabaha Model:
The murabaha contract is similar to trade finance in the context of working capital loans and to leasing in the context of fixed capital loans. Under this contract, the microfinance program buys goods and resell them to the microenterprises for the original cost of the goods plus a markup against administrative costs. The borrower is responsible to pay back the amount against commodity he gets in equal installments. The murabaha model is simple to understand for borrowers, under this model the microfinance program will remain the owner of product until the last installment is paid.
Under microfinance murabaha model the procedure for loan application is simple. Once a loan application approved, the loan officer buys the chosen products and resells the borrowers after adding up a markup amount.
Some sharia focused clients have expressed doubts about the mechanism of murabah (buy-resell) because it looks similar to the forbidden practice of fixed interest rates (riba). In such situation, mechanism should be explained properly to borrowers and local religious leaders.
In some interpretations the handling and obtaining a loan in the form of money is considered haram (forbidden). In those areas, borrowers prefer to purchase goods that the microfinance program would purchase on their behalf and then “resell” to them. The major possible drawback of this model is the program’s higher administrative cost.
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